Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 2 Off to Arizona!

We got to talk to Sam on the phone this morning while he was at the airport waiting to board his flight.  It was awesome to hear his voice!  He is super excited to get working in Arizona and is grateful for all of the e-mails he has received from his friends.

Surprise E-Mail Sesh at the MTC Today‏

Surprise! You're probably wondering why in the world I'm breaking the rules and writing you on a day that is most definitely not p-day. Well, the branch president told us to clean our laundry before we leave Monday morning, and the computers are down here in the laundry room, and everyone else is writing e-mails, so... I mean, I assume it's okay...
But it's great to open my inbox today and find 3 times more new e-mails than there were on my actual p-day Tuesday. From what I've read, I'm gathering someone posted a status or two on some sort on a form of social media telling people to write me, which I'm truly and totally grateful for. Especially the ones from girls ;)
I don't have a whole lot to update since Tuesday, except that Elder Adam Allred arrived at the MTC on Wednesday! Not only did I get to see him as was taking his first walk through campus, but I found out he's in my zone! Seriously, his room is 3 doors down from mine! So we're seeing each other a lot, and it's super fun.

I did experience my first real bout with homesickness last night when I remembered Guardians of the Galaxy came out (LET ME FINISH) and I realized my midnight-premiere-with-my-high-school-buddies days may be over. Also, I don't get to stay up late talking to Brigham, dissecting the movie with him. The good thing is that I know my purpose here, and I ain't giving up that easily. I have work to do in Arizona, and I'm gonna do it.
So that's it for now. I may or may not get to e-mail you in the next week. Keep the faith, everyone!
<3 Elder Holladay
Also, Elders Holladay and Allred say, "HAPPY FRENCH FRIDAY FROM THE MTC!!!"
And just Elder Holladay also says thank you for the fabulous package this week! As I was sharing the brownies with my zone, Elder Allred saw them and said, "Awesome! Momma Holladay always makes the best brownies!"
Well, those brownies were not homemade, and I don't believe he's ever eaten a brownie made by Mom in his life. In the off chance that he did, I guarantee those ones came out of a box anyway. But the ones you sent were delicious and everyone loved them! Thank you!

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